Rabu, 24 Januari 2018

conversation task

conversation task

    Bagas : assalamualaikum
Feri : waalaikum salam
Bagas : Hi, what is your name?
Feri : Hi, my name is Feri pardianto what is your name?
Bagas : My name is Bagas viqi allan, you can call me bagas, nice to
meet you
Feri : Nice to meet you too
Bagas : Where do you life?
Feri. : Iya life in polis tangerang, how about you?
Bagas : I life in Panongan citra raya
Feri : What is your job to civil engineering?
Bagas : I'am a drafter also building conceptor, how about you?
Feri : I'am a maintenance officer,
Bagas : What ia that?
Feri. : Maintenance officer job is repairing all of trouble in
Bagas : Whoa, that is great, what tools do you use?
Feri : Iya usually use screedrew, rope , helmet, and many other, and
how about you?
Bagas : Drafter is job is drawing and making concept for the buildings
Feri : What tools do you use?
Bagas : I use drawing tools, such as pencil, rules, erase, rapids and
many other
Feri : Ok, thanks for a short introduct, nice to meet you.
Bagas : You are welcome, nice to meet you too
Feri : see you next time
Bagas : yes see you next time
Feri : waasalamualaikum
Bagas : waalaikum salam

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