Kamis, 25 Januari 2018



At the 16th meeting in English lesson today it coincides with UAS.

Today mengasjakan UAS with an orderly, instructions to do a question on the dictionary let it open, about this UAS in telling the profession that is in the drawing matter.

However I am having trouble because I have not so mastered English, and in the end I do less than the maximum.

And today it should be the collection of duties, but we are all not ready for the task, and ultimately bri time by Mrs.Rella until Saturday afternoon.

After Deuteronomy finished we did a photo with Mrs.Rella.



At this 15th meeting in English this is the last meeting before UAS.

And on this day's chance is to continue the task that has not been done in search of 5w 1h in a song.

And it turns out that on this day I myself have not done the task, and in the end by Mrs.Rella given time to do.
Not long after the task has been done and discussed together, after the discussion was completed we were given a grid UAS by Mrs.Rella.

And at the end of this day's meeting was in the past, and see you next week at UAS.

Rabu, 24 Januari 2018

conversation task

conversation task

    Bagas : assalamualaikum
Feri : waalaikum salam
Bagas : Hi, what is your name?
Feri : Hi, my name is Feri pardianto what is your name?
Bagas : My name is Bagas viqi allan, you can call me bagas, nice to
meet you
Feri : Nice to meet you too
Bagas : Where do you life?
Feri. : Iya life in polis tangerang, how about you?
Bagas : I life in Panongan citra raya
Feri : What is your job to civil engineering?
Bagas : I'am a drafter also building conceptor, how about you?
Feri : I'am a maintenance officer,
Bagas : What ia that?
Feri. : Maintenance officer job is repairing all of trouble in
Bagas : Whoa, that is great, what tools do you use?
Feri : Iya usually use screedrew, rope , helmet, and many other, and
how about you?
Bagas : Drafter is job is drawing and making concept for the buildings
Feri : What tools do you use?
Bagas : I use drawing tools, such as pencil, rules, erase, rapids and
many other
Feri : Ok, thanks for a short introduct, nice to meet you.
Bagas : You are welcome, nice to meet you too
Feri : see you next time
Bagas : yes see you next time
Feri : waasalamualaikum
Bagas : waalaikum salam

Fourthteen Metting Second Semester

Fourthteen Metting Second Semester      at the fourteenth meeting of English lessons met again with Mrs.Rella, today is the last meetin...