Sabtu, 16 Desember 2017



At the 8th meeting on English lesson, today is the first meeting after UTS.

On the occasion of today's meeting is like the previous week's week of continuing the presentation task.

for the occasion today is a group of 5 to present his task, but the group did not make the maximum preparation so me and my friends waited quite a while, and to fill the time Mrs.Rella gave us the task of looking for a chart of the profession in civil engineering. It was not long before the group of 5 was ready to present their duties and begin the presentation.

Group 5 consists of Ika Kurnia Putri, Andriyansah, Ihsan Adi, Muh.Abdu and Fajarudin. Here Ika Kurnia Putri as moderator in the presentation.

The theme they use is Land Surveying, in this presentation group 5 has difficulties in because of the task or article that they made wrong, and in the end the presentation did not run accordingly and no discussion.

And until the end of time at the meeting today is up and the next next week in next week.

At this 7th meeting on Wednesday 29 november 2017 in English lesson, we met again with Mrs.Rella to continue the previous assignment of presentation. 
On the occasion of this day is the opportunity group 4 to present his task, this group consists of Sandikatama, Eki Kurniawan, Ayu Suntiya, and Defrica Destiana. 
As in previous meetings, they prepare all the material they will present before Mrs.Rella enters the class, not long after Mrs.Rella enters the class, the presentation begins. 
Here Sandikatama is a moderator in the presentation. The theme they use in today's presentation is Geotechnical engineering. the presentation went smoothly for about 20 minutes of their presentation in front of the class, and then proceed with the discussion together. 
There are not many errors in their group and with the end of the present day presentation, and next week's next group.

Fourthteen Metting Second Semester

Fourthteen Metting Second Semester      at the fourteenth meeting of English lessons met again with Mrs.Rella, today is the last meetin...