Rabu, 25 Oktober 2017

Third meeting english lesson


At the third meeting of English lessons I met again with Mrs.Rella,in this meeting Mrs.Rella wants to give an example to do the task of making a short articles and Mrs.Rella giving intructions to us to be divided into 4 groups,then Mrs.Rella gives a short articles containing 4 sentences,we each group get 1 sentences

And my group started to look 5W+1H,verbal nominal,simple present tense,active passive ,and translate with bahasa Indonesia.

Then each group gives each answer in writing on the board,and the answer are discussed together until all become true and according to the assigned task.

Rabu, 11 Oktober 2017

Second meeting of the english lesson


At the second meeting of the english lesson,which gives the subject matter not mr.Zalzulifa but Mrs.Rella. Who is Mrs.Rella? In turns Mrs rella is includding team teaching english lesson in Muhammadiyah Tangerang University,so they always alternate in giving the subject matter.

At the first meeting with Mrs.Rella,there has been little discussion into subject matter,in the discussion Mrs.Rella explains what will be learned in the first semester,after our students have understood,we are divided into several groups

After all has been divided into several groups,Mrs.Rella explains what will be discussed at the next meeting,and finally Mrs.Rella closed the second meeting of the English lesson.

First metting english lesson


In the last week,i started to muhammadiyah tangerang university,on the first day of the english lesson,i meet mr.Zalzulifa as a lecturer.

In the first metting mr.Zalzulifa not entereted the subject matter but we are first acquaintances between students and lectures,after that i stand in front of the class to introduce my self,and well to the other students.

Selasa, 10 Oktober 2017

power of prayer

asalamualaikum wr.wb

apa itu power of prayer?
ketika di tanya tentang kekuatan,sumber dari kekuatan adalah tenaga/fisik,hal itu memang di benarkan.
akan tetapi bagi saya kekuatan sebenarnya adalah 'power of prayer' kekuatan adalah doa,kenapa? karena bagi saya doa itu adalah hal yang paling mudah di lakukan oleh semua manusia selain itu juga doa adalah sumber ataupun pondasi terkuat dalam mencapai sesuatu,jadi berdoalah sebelum melakukan segala sesuatu,karena doa akan memudahkan segala urusanmu.terima kasih

walaikumsalam wr.wb

Fourthteen Metting Second Semester

Fourthteen Metting Second Semester      at the fourteenth meeting of English lessons met again with Mrs.Rella, today is the last meetin...